25 July 2011
Corporate News

Royal Academy of Engineering and Tata Steel establish new Chair at Warwick University

Tata Steel RD&T and the Royal Academy of Engineering are jointly funding a new Chair for research into Low Carbon Materials Technology at WMG at the University of Warwick.

The two partners will put £600,000 into the new Research Chair.

WMG Director Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya said: 'This announcement not only allows us to create a crucial new Chair to research this vital area, it is also wonderful recognition by the prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering and the renowned Tata Steel Group of the significant work WMG is already undertaking in low carbon vehicle technology.

“This research has already produced vital research for major manufacturers and has also helped many SMEs in the West Midlands region.'

Robert Barrett, Head of Research Programmes at the Royal Academy of Engineering, said: “The Academy strongly supports the effective combination of academia and industry through our prestigious Research Chairs Scheme.  This new professorship at the WMG is an example of the Academy’s commitment in supporting areas